In Peace on Campus


Today is one of those perfect weather days. The kind that start out gray and rainy and surprise you with sunshine around lunch. The kind that make you want to be outside. The kind that are best enjoyed on a beautiful campus.

I had…

an awesome lunch

a massive tangerine

and a perfect snack

It’s unsettling that I could feel like this:


and my school could look like this:

So nice. So not inside.

While UT Austin looks like this:

Shooting at UT Austin

I’m sure you all heard about the shooting this morning. Stew’s little brother is a student there, and he is fine.

I hope nothing else happens, that the campus returns to normal and that they can enjoy some peace there. What a crazy morning it must have been. And let’s not forget the gunman’s parents. No one is ever ready for that phone call.

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