Pardon Our Dust

Bonus points if you can name that show

Sweet Tater is moving!

Don’t worry, not far. I’m making the switch from to the self-hosted To me, this is a terrifying and confusing process, which is why I hired someone else to do it. Better safe than every post deleted, right?

What this means for me is access to more plugins, more freedom to customize the blog to my liking and, yes, the ability to monetize with ads. Maybe. Eventually. One day. If I get monetarily desperate. No movement on that front yet.

What it means for you, the reader, is that the site might be down anywhere from 24 hours to three days (though I’m told it shouldn’t be more than an hour). After that, it’ll look exactly the same as it always has until I start messin’ with it. We’re making the leap tonight at 9pm EST. Here’s hoping all goes smoothly.

If not, you’ll find me like this:

Name that show! Name that show!

5 thoughts on “Pardon Our Dust

  1. I’m looking to move to self-hosted in the next couple of weeks (current platform expires Jan 14) and would love any tips you can give. Tempted to hire someone to do it just to make the entire process easier since I have a huge number of posts and photos.

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