Bakery by the Beach

In my dreams...

I have had not one but two dreams this week in which I own and operate a small bakery by the beach. In our spare time we also run an animal rescue because in my dreams there is apparently a real problem with mice wandering into the waves and needing a good rescuing. I have no idea.


Though pleasant, this bakery deal is a funny joke since… I can’t really bake. But it’s a nice thought, right?

I could definitely save mice that fall into the ocean though. In fact, I would excel at saving mice. When my granddaddy was building a barn in the backyard for his motor home I noticed that a field mouse had fallen into one of the holes that was about to be filled with cement. I stopped all construction, fashioned a mouse scoop out of a stick and a Solo cup, and would not relent until the mouse was out of the hole. Mission accomplished.

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