Big MacChicken

Big MacChicken

Big MacChicken

Kind of like the KFC Double Down sandwich but somehow infinitely worse, the Big MacChicken comes to us from the guys over at Grocery Eats. No, you are not mistaken. That is a Big Mac and a McChicken sandwiched between two more McChickens.

I don’t even have anything to say about this. I’ll let the taste tester’s words tell it like it is:

“Fast forward 35 minutes and I’m presently at my work desk and miserable.  Thoughts of running to the restroom to vomit are racing through my head.  I have a conference call in 20 minutes and I don’t know if I can make it.   Fuck.  Is it really my stomach that is aching or am I psychologically telling myself to vomit.  All I know is that my mind is telling me that the sandwich was absolutely delicious but my body is rejecting it.”

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